Native Circles
This podcast features Native American and Indigenous voices, stories, and experiences for everyone to learn, not only in North America but also throughout the world. The founders of Native Circles are Dr. Farina King (Diné) and Sarah Newcomb (Tsimshian), who were inspired to start this podcast to educate wider publics about the interconnections and significance of Native American, Alaska Native, and Indigenous experiences and matters. The primary co-hosts of the podcast are Dr. King, Dr. Davina Two Bears, and Eva Bighorse. Dr. King is the Horizon Chair of Native American Ecology and Culture and an associate professor of Native American Studies at the University of Oklahoma. Newcomb works as a freelance editor, writer, and blogger with degrees in English and a focus in Non-Fiction Creative Writing. Dr. Two Bears (Diné) is a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow in the School for Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University. Bighorse (Cayuga and Diné) is an Indigenous human development advocate with expertise in tribal healthcare relations. Brian D. King is an assistant editor for the podcast with experiences in journalism and writing. Learn more about the podcast and episodes on the official website of "Native Circles" at https://nativecirclespodcast.com/.
Native Circles
Marsha Small and Finding the Voices of Indigenous Boarding School Students
Join us for our conversation with guest Marsha Small, who is Tsististas (Northern Cheyenne), as she speaks to us about the unmarked graves of children at boarding schools across the nation. She discusses her work in identifying the graves with ground-penetrating radar, current projects, and answers questions about how to help Indigenous communities heal.
She earned her M.A. from Montana State University. Since 2016, Marsha Small and Jarrod Burks have been conducting geophysical investigations to identify the locations of over 200 unmarked burials at the Chemawa Boarding School in Salem, Oregon. The school originally opened in 1880 and today is one of four remaining off-reservation boarding schools funded and operated by the federal Bureau of Indian Education (BIE).
Links mentioned in this episode:
More resources:
'Starting the truth-telling': Northern Cheyenne woman's search for indigenous children's remains taking on new significance
Indian Boarding Schools with Marsha Small | The Extreme History Project: The Dirt on the Past
Marsha Small, Tsististas (Northern Cheyenne)
A Keeper of Knowledge: A Voice for the Land and People